Governor Meetings
The school’s governing body meets at least twice each term. The governing body also meets in smaller committees to discuss and decide on such matters as the aims and development of our school, the appointment of staff, the school budget and links with the area served by our school. All this is very exciting and interesting work, and the governors attend training sessions to help them use the skills they already have to best serve the children’s interests.
The smaller committees meet at least termly. Governors join committees based on their skills, experience and interests.
- Teaching & Learning - Standards & Curriculum (1), Pupil Discipline (7) and Statutory Responsibilities (11)
- Resources - Finance (2), Personnel (3), Salaries & Grading (4), Premises (9) and Health & Safety (10)
- First - First Decision (5)
- Second - Appeals (6)
Except for any ex officio members, the First and Second committee members will be appointed when the need to convene the committees arise.
Dates of Forthcoming Full Governing Body Meetings:
27th March 2025