Online Safety

Online Safety is being aware of the nature of the possible threats that you could encounter whilst engaging in activity through the Internet, these could be security threats, protecting and managing your personal data, online reputation management, and avoiding harmful or illegal content.


Online Safety protects people using devices and networks from harm through awareness, education, information and technology. It isn’t about scaremongering, it isn’t about criticism and chaos, it’s about focusing on the positive and enriching side of digital life whilst recognising its challenges and how to best approach them.


At Donnington Wood Infant School and Nursery we believe it is vital that children learn, in an age-appropriate way, how to use the internet safely and respectfully. We do this through planned and incidental opportunities.....

  • taught curriculum (Computing & PSHE)
  • half-termly 'Love of Reading' book about Online Safety
  • assemblies
  • Staying Safe Superstars
  • response to incidents
  • response to community concerns


Mrs Flint (Computing Subject Leader) and Mrs Boddy (Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead) use their combined knowledge and skills to support children, staff and the wider community with Online Safety. 


In addition to planned learning within our Computing curriculum, we use Project Evolve to tailor Online Safety learning for each year group. Project Evolve activities are tailored in response to pupil voice every half term.  


We recognise that many children have access at home to internet enabled devices and that partnership with parents is vital. A monthly Online Safety newsletter is sent to all parents to support parental knowledge. Staff are also available to talk to parents about particular issues or concerns.  



Click on the links below for more information and support about Online Safety.

Parent Advice


Online Safety activities for children aged 4-7


Online Safety Advice



Bullying & Cyberbullying advice